East-west feet of Black Russian Terrier
There is a certain problem when cartilages and ligaments of
locomotive system are not ready for their load. More often puppies
and heavy dog breeds suffer from it. Here is the following causes of
its appearance in puppy and young dogs’ age:
1. Heredity. Find competent experienced dog expert,
trainer or handler. Consult as for the bone structure - forelegs and
rib cage.
2. Disbalance of calcium - phosphorus and/or lack of collagen
that is usually seen while natural and mixed feeding. Balance of
minerals is determined by biochemical analysis.
3. Great loads on the dog’s joints. Those are long time walks,
movements down from the stairs, excess weight. Movement through the
slippery or friable surfaces.
Analyze what is the reason particular in your case. All dogs are
individual that’s why consult with an experienced dog expert and a vet.
General methodology of correction is that first you level the
legs and only then begin to fasten the dog’s locomotive system
making the load bigger gradually. It means:
1. Taking off all the loads from the dog’s joints that is
reducing the dog’s weight, the walks’ distance, no lowering down
stairs, no draught harnesses with loads. They only worsen the
situation when the east-west feet begins. Walking with the harness
isn’t a good variant at all. It is hard to regulate by your hand the
uniformity of the load’s weight on the forefeet, especially when it
is a large dog breed. Draught harnesses with tyre can fix slack back
and broaden the rib cage but the east-west feet will only worsen. No
slippery surfaces at home and friable ones in the street. Your task
is to make your dog put a foot always upright in every joint, and
each friable surface can’t solve this problem.
2. You should also enlarge the consumption of collagen
(glucosamine and chondroitin). It is raw material for cartilages and
ligaments, the organism needs building materials for the correct
forming of cartilages and strengthening of ligaments. At the same
time calcium - phosphorus should be balanced.
The correction will take from one to three months depending on
the size of east-west feet and dog’s age. Only after the
levelling of joint it is allowed to load the dog gradually. If the
dog has already formed, still there is a chance for east-west feet
to remain.